Division III Track & Field Handbook


Current Association Contacts

Division III Track & Field Executive Committee

General Eligibility Requirements:
Only coaches who are members of a Division III Program
Membership Division in good standing with the USTFCCCA may be nominated for, elected to, appointed
to, or serve in any office of Division III Track and Field.

Number of In-Person Meetings per Year:
Division III Track and Field Officers meet once per year, at the USTFCCCA annual convention.

Number of Conference Calls per Year:
Division III Track and Field Officers participate in eleven regularly scheduled conference calls per year, one
(1) per month during the months of January through November. Currently, calls are scheduled for the
second Tuesday of those months.


  1. Selection:
    • A rotation system moves the Vice President up to the office of President as the office
      of President is vacated.
  2. Term:
    • Three (3) year term.
  3. Duties:
    • Preside over all Division III Track and Field meetings.
    • Appoint working committees as he/she deems necessary.
    • Appoint members of standing and working committees as necessary.
    • Appoint persons to serve on any vacancy on the Division III Track and Field Executive
    • Appoint persons to serve on any vacancy on Division III Track and Field committees.
    • In conjunction with the Division III Cross Country President, jointly appoint persons to
      serve on any vacancy on Division III Committees not specific to cross country and/or track
      and field.
    • Serve as an ad-hoc member of all Division III Track and Field committees.
    • In conjunction with the CEO of USTFCCCA, act as the Division III Track and Field
      Representative before the NCAA.
      • Assist in lobbying the NCAA Men’s and Women’s Track and Field and Cross
        Country Committee on issues of importance to Division III Track and Field.
    • Act as the Division III Track and Field representative before the USTFCCCA and serve on
      the USTFCCCA Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may meet in-person twice per
      • In the summer
      • In the winter during the USTFCCCA annual convention
    • Establish the agenda for and conduct periodic conference calls with the Executive
      Committee, including Regional Representatives, regarding Associational business.
    • Establish the agenda for in-person meetings of Division III Track and Field.
    • Attend the Division III Indoor Track and Field and Division III Outdoor Track and Field National Championships.
      • Present USTFCCCA awards at NCAA Division III Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field banquets.
      • Present awards to the Outstanding Performers of the Meet.

Vice President

  1. Selection:
    • Candidates for Vice President are elected at the annual general meeting.
    • A simple majority is required for election.
  2. Term:
    • Three (3) year term.
  3. Duties:
    • Serve as a member of the Division III Track and Field Executive Committee.
    • Act as the Division III At-Large representative before the USTFCCCA and serve on the
      USTFCCCA Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may meet in-person twice per year:
      • In the summer
      • In the winter during the USTFCCCA annual convention
    • In the absence of the President, perform the duties of that office.
    • Coordinate any and all working committees appointed by the president.
    • Attend the Division III Track and Field annual general meeting and any other Division III
      Track and Field Executive Committee meetings.
    • Participate in Executive Committee conference calls, as established by the President.
    • Carry out any other duties the President may from time to time assign.


  • Selection:
    • Appointed by the President, as needed.
  • Term:
    • Ongoing.
  • Duties:
    • Keep a true record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association.
    • Keep current all edits of the Constitution and Bylaws, keep resolutions, and preserve
    • Ensure that proper notice of all meetings is sent to all members.
    • Ensure notification of all members of any committee appointments or duties assigned to
    • Keep an election schedule approved by the Track and Field Executive Committee for the
      election of Track and Field Regional Representatives.
    • Maintain a list of members who have served as an Officer, Regional Representative, or
      Committee Member.
    • Serve as chair of the Law and Legislation Committee.
    • Attend the Division III Track and Field annual general meeting and any other Division III
      Track and Field Executive Committee meetings.
    • Be knowledgeable in matters of parliamentary procedure and advise members in such matters.
    • Participate in Executive Committee conference calls, as established by the President.
    • Carry out any other duties the Presidents may from time to time assign.

Other Members of the Division II Cross Country Executive Committee

General Eligibility Requirements:
Only coaches who are members of a Division III Program
Membership Division in good standing with the USTFCCCA may be nominated for, elected to, appointed
to, or serve in any office of Division III Track and Field.

Number of In-Person Meetings per Year:
Division III Track and Field Executive Committee members meet once per year, at the USTFCCCA annual

Number of Conference Calls per Year:
Division III Track and Field Executive Committee members participate in eleven regularly scheduled
conference calls per year, one (1) per month during the months of January through November. Currently,
calls are scheduled for the second Tuesday of those months.

Regional Representatives

  • Number:
    • One (1) per NCAA Division III Cross Country region (total of eight (8)).
  • Selection:
    • Elected at the annual USTFCCCA convention.
  • Term:
    • Three (3) year term beginning after the annual convention. Regional Representatives are
      limited to a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms.
  • Duties:
    • Represent the concerns and interests of his/her region.
    • Serve as a member of the Division III Track and Field Executive Committee.
    • Advise coaches in the region of the actions, policies, and services of the Association.
    • Prepare an agenda for regional coaches meetings of the Association.
    • Ensure that the regional meeting agenda is distributed to the region’s coaches prior to the
    • Conduct regional coaches meetings of the Association as necessary.
    • Keep a true record of the proceedings of regional meetings of the Association.
    • Ensure that the minutes of these meetings are distributed to the respective coaches.
    • Forward agenda items and minutes of regional meetings to the President and National Office.
    • Send a “Call for Nominations” 20-45 days before the annual meeting when pending Regional
      Representative vacancies exist.
    • Notify regional coaches of the Regional Representative nominees at least five (5) days before
      the annual meeting.
    • Communicate information from the Association and/or the USTFCCCA to members of the
    • Attend the Division III Track and Field annual general meeting and any other Division III Track
      and Field Executive Committee meetings.
    • Participate in Executive Committee conference calls, as established by the President.
    • Carry out any other duties the President may from time to time assign.

Past President

  • Selection:
    • The most recent outgoing President serves in the role of Past President.
  • Term:
    • One (1) year term.
  • Duties:
    • Work with the President as an advisor.
    • Attend the Division III Track and Field annual general meeting and any other Division III Track
      and Field Executive Committee meetings.
    • Participate in Executive Committee conference calls, as established by the President.
    • Carry out any other duties the President may from time to time assign.


  • Selection:
    • Appointed by the President, as needed.
  • Term:
    • Ongoing.
  • Duties:
    • Serve as a member of the Division III Track and Field Executive Committee.
    • Preserve records, including, but not limited to, NCAA Division III Regional and National results,
      academic awards, and athletic awards.
    • Administer any historical duties as directed by the Association.
    • Attend the Division III Track and Field annual general meeting and any other Division III Track
      and Field Executive Committee meetings.
    • Participate in Track and Field Executive Committee conference calls, as established by the
    • Carry out any other duties the President may from time to time assign.

Division III Committees

Hall of Fame Committee

  • Chair:
    • Jennifer Potter, Ithaca College
  • Members:
    • At least two (2) members appointed by the Division III Track and Field President and two (2)
      members appointed by the Division III Cross Country President.
      • Terms will last four (4) years and staggered so that only one member from either sport is
        replaced each year.
  • Committee Duties:
    • Accept athlete nominations for the USTFCCCA Division III Hall of Fame and determine
      yearly class of honorees.
    • Each member will make a personal contact with an inductee and act as a liaison for the
      committee in attending the awards ceremony.
    • Each member will assist in seeking nominations of qualified athletes.
  • Committee Chair Duties:
    • Maintain an updated nomination form on the USTFCCCA website.
    • Receive and disseminate nominations to Committee.
    • Communicate with the USTFCCCA national office on inductee contact and biography
    • Present Hall of Fame inductees at the awards ceremony at the Division III Outdoor Track
      and Field Championships banquet.
    • Organize and run the committee meetings.
    • Coordinate awards ceremony with host institution.
  • Meetings:
    • The committee meets at the direction of the Division III Cross Country or Track and Field
      President or the Committee Chair.
    • Other conference call and/or e-mail communication may be necessary throughout the

Law and Legislation Committee

  • Chair:
    • Secretary
  • Members:
    • At least two additional members appointed by the President.
  • Duties:
    • Review, interpret, and maintain the Operating Bylaws of the Association.
    • With the National Office, review, interpret, and maintain the Handbook of the
  • Meetings:
    • The committee meets by teleconference a minimum of two (2) times per year at the direction of the President or the Committee Chair. At least one meeting will be held in conjunction with the Division III Cross Country Law and Legislation Committee.
    • Other conference call and/or e-mail communication may be necessary throughout the year.

Nominations and Elections Committee

  • Chair:
    • Appointed by the President.
  • Members:
    • At least two additional members appointed by the President.
  • Duties:
    • Develop, evaluate, and bring forth qualified candidates to present for a vote to the
      Qualified Membership of the Association at the annual convention.
    • Determine procedure for voting and eligibility of candidates for election.
  • Meetings:
    • The committee meets at the direction of the President or the Committee Chair.
    • Other conference call and/or e-mail communication may be necessary throughout the

Working Committees

The President may establish committees at any time throughout the year to study topics or perform
specific duties. They may remain intact until their charge has been accomplished.

Division III Track & Field Meetings

Convention / Annual Meeting

There is an annual meeting of the Division III Coaches Association at the site of the annual USTFCCCA
convention. The meeting includes a business meeting and other pertinent information.

Attendance Requirement
Attendance at the convention/annual meeting is mandatory for all Division III Track and Field Officers,
Regional Representatives, and other members of the Executive Committee. Those who will not be able to
attend should notify the Division III Track and Field President as soon as possible.


The general policy of business shall be:

  • The secretary’s report
  • The president’s report
  • Committee reports
  • Unfinished business
  • New business

Items of business may be submitted at any time throughout the year through the USTFCCCA web site. The Executive Committee will address each proposal submitted through the online submission portal provided for members of the Division III Track and Field coaching body.

The Division III Track and Field business meetings follow the Bylaws of the U.S. Track & Field and Cross
Country Coaches Association, the Operating Bylaws of the NCAA Division III Program Membership
Divisions (Track and Field), and this Handbook. When a procedural question is not defined within these
documents, Division III Track and Field business meetings follow Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

Submission of Proposals
The Secretary shall ensure that proposals may be submitted online at any time, through the USTFCCCA
website, and that calls for proposals are made once per quarter throughout the year.

The Division III Track & Field President shall ensure that all submitted proposals are distributed to the
Executive Committee and that the submitter of each proposal is scheduled to present their proposal to
the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall review and discuss each proposal after it has
been presented by the submitter. All proposals received on or after December 1 of each year shall not be
scheduled for presentation to the Executive Committee until after January 1 of the next year.

The Executive Committee may, by majority vote, amend a submitted proposal at any time prior to taking
a position on the proposal. No further amendments to the proposal may be made by either the Executive
Committee or the general membership after the Executive Committee has taken a position on the proposal; however, the Executive Committee, upon a majority vote, may submit an alternate version of a proposal to the general membership for consideration. If the proposal is adopted by the general
membership, the alternate version submitted by the Executive Committee will become moot.

The Executive Committee has three possible actions to take following their discussion of the proposal:

  1. The Division III Track and Field President may assign the proposal to a standing committee or
    create a committee or working group to review the proposal and provide a recommendation to
    the Executive Committee
  2. The Executive Committee may table the proposal until a future meeting in order to allow more
    time for discussion, to gather additional information, or to gather feedback from the membership
    or an outside party
  3. The Executive Committee may vote on the proposal (a quorum is required)

When the Executive Committee takes action on a proposal, the Secretary shall ensure that the proposal
and said action are made available to the membership through the USTFCCCA website.

The Executive Committees action shall stand as the position of the membership on any proposals that
require a response prior to the next convention. A majority vote of the Executive Committee members
present under a quorum may move to designate a proposal as requiring a response prior to the next
convention. The Secretary shall ensure that the proposals requiring a response prior to the next
convention and the Executive Committee’s decision are made available to the membership prior to the
next Executive Committee meeting.

For all other proposals, once the Executive Committee votes upon a proposal; said proposal is deemed an
agenda item and will be assigned to a member(s) of the Executive Committee to present the agenda item,
and the Executive Committee’s position on said proposal, to the membership.

Once an agenda item has been presented to the membership at convention, the Division III Track and
Field President shall allow for a pre-determined period of discussion on the item. If the Executive
Committee had previously voted in favor of the agenda item, then said item would be placed on the voting ballot for the membership at the current Convention. If the Executive Committee voted to oppose an agenda item or takes no action on an agenda item, then the opinion of the Executive Committee stands as the position of the membership, unless the agenda item receives a motion from the floor to place the item on the voting ballot at that convention, a second, and a majority vote from members present at the meeting (vote shall be conducted by voice, if the decision of the membership is not clear then a vote shall be conducted by rising).

All proposals received prior to the final Executive Committee conference call of the calendar year to be
considered at convention shall be made available to the Division III Track & Field general membership
prior to the start of the convention.

A quorum will consist of the dues-paying members present. Members of USTFCCCA Division III Track and
Field must be present to vote at convention. Voting is by membership, unless the President and/or a
plurality of the Executive Committee calls for a Unit Vote.


  • Membership:
    • Voting is conducted by member coach. Each Division III coach from a program that sponsors men’s and/or women’s track and field, who is present at the voting session(s), receives one (1) vote. Coaches may not cast a ballot for a coach who is absent from the official voting session(s).
  • Unit Vote:
    • Voting is conducted by program. Each institutional program receives one vote, such that a Division III men’s or women’s track and field program receives one (1) vote, and a Division III combined track and field program receives two (2) votes. Only one (1) designated representative per institution may cast a vote. This designated representative need not be the head coach. Coaches may not cast a ballot for institutions that have no representatives present at the official voting session(s).
  • Slate of Candidates:
    • If deemed appropriate, the Executive Committee may present a slate of candidates to the membership to vote upon. The slate of candidates shall be voted up or down as determined by a majority of those voting. If the slate is voted down, any individual member may move on the floor to nominate a replacement slate of candidates.

The Division III Track and Field President, along with the USTFCCCA national office, is responsible for
ensuring that appropriate action is taken following the annual convention/business meeting, particularly
as necessitated by the results of Division III Track and Field voting sessions.

Conference Calls

Division III Track and Field conference calls serve to inform Division III Track and Field Officers, Regional
Representatives, and other members of the Executive Committee of issues affecting the Division III Track
and Field membership. These calls also provide a forum for proposal presentation, discussion, and action
of Division III Track and Field issues.

Division III Track and Field scheduled conference calls take place once per month during the months of
January through November. Calls are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 12:00 PM Central Time.
Special conference calls may be scheduled by the President at any time during the year, as needed.

Attendance Requirement
Attendance on conference calls is mandatory for all Division III Track and Field Officers, Regional
Representatives, and other members of the Executive Committee. Those who will not be able to attend
should notify the Division III Track and Field President and Secretary as soon as possible.


Monthly conference call agendas shall be of the following format:

  • Roll Call
  • Proposal Presentations
  • Discussion of proposals
  • New Business
  • Informational Items
  • Announcements
  • Comments from the national office

The Division III Track and Field conference calls follow the Bylaws of the U.S. Track & Field and Cross
Country Coaches Association, the Operating Bylaws of the Division III Program Membership Divisions
(Track and Field), and this Handbook. When a procedural question is not defined within these documents,
the Division III Track and Field conference calls follow Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

The Executive Committee may vote during or in conjunction with a regularly scheduled or special
conference call, as necessary. All members of the Executive Committee should be notified in advance of
the call, and a quorum must be established in order for a vote to take place.

The Division III Track and Field President, along with the USTFCCCA national office, is responsible for
ensuring that appropriate action is taken following conference calls, particularly in preparing the agenda
for the annual convention/business meeting. Regional Representatives are responsible for informing the
coaches in their region of any items discussed during conference calls that affect Division III Track and
Field generally or the coaches of their region specifically.

Division III Track & Field Rankings

Indoor Track & Field

Division III indoor track and field national rankings are released by the USTFCCCA national office on
Tuesdays during the indoor track and field season. Dates are predetermined by the Division III Track and
Field Executive Committee.

Regular Rankings:
Released weekly on Tuesday beginning seven (7) weeks prior to the Division III Indoor
Track & Field Championships and ending with the Tuesday prior to the NCAA Division III Indoor Track &
Field Championships (eight (8) releases). The final regular season ranking is reflective of entries into the
NCAA Division III Indoor Track and & Championships.
The national rankings are based on awarding points and bonus points to season-best performances from
the NCAA descending order lists of performances. The rankings are compiled using performance data
submitted to the Track and Field Results Reporting System (TFRRS).

On a weekly basis, only marks reported to TFRRS by Monday morning at 7 am, Central Time,
are eligible for consideration in that week’s national or regional rankings. Programs must be eligible for
listing on the NCAA “qualifying lists” to be eligible for national or region rankings. A program must be in
good membership standing with the USTFCCCA in order to be eligible for rankings. The preseason ranking and Week 1 rankings are considered a grace period for USTFCCCA membership status. Non-member programs will be listed on these reports in RED indicating their non-member status. After these two rankings, non-member programs will not be listed in USTFCCCA rankings.

Outdoor Track & Field

Division III outdoor track and field regional team index and national rankings are released by the
USTFCCCA national office on Tuesdays during the outdoor track and field season. Dates are predetermined by the Division III Track and Field Executive Committee.

Regular Rankings:
Released weekly on Tuesdays beginning seven (7) weeks prior to the Division III
Outdoor Track & Field Championships and ending with the Monday prior to the NCAA Division III Outdoor Track & Field Championships (eight (8) releases). The final ranking is reflective of entries into the NCAA Division III Outdoor Track & Field Championships.
The national rankings are based on awarding points and bonus points to season-best performances from
the NCAA descending order lists of performances. The regional team index is scored using the current
national-team ranking formula as if there were separate regional championships across the country. The
rankings are compiled using performance data submitted to TFRRS.

On a weekly basis, only marks reported to TFRRS by Monday morning at 7 am, Central Time,
are eligible for consideration in that week’s national or regional rankings. Programs must be eligible for
listing on the NCAA “qualifying lists” to be eligible for national or region rankings. A program must be in
good membership standing with the USTFCCCA in order to be eligible for rankings. The preseason ranking and Week 1 rankings are considered a grace period for USTFCCCA membership status. Non-member programs will be listed on these reports in RED indicating their non-member status. After these two rankings, non-member programs will not be listed in USTFCCCA rankings.

Division III Track & Field Awards – Indoor

Regional Head Coaches of the Year


  1. Selected by an institutional vote of regional USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member coaches
    and awarded to one (1) head coach per gender per region for the Division III Indoor Track and
    Field season.
  2. Institutions are divided according to the NCAA Division III Cross Country regions.
  3. Nominations are submitted via online ballot during the first week of March. Voting is conducted
    online via a ballot compiled by the national office the Monday prior to the Indoor Championships.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their head coaches to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed at the NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships.

Regional Assistant Coaches of the Year


  1. Selected by an institutional vote of regional USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member coaches
    and awarded to one (1) assistant coach per gender per region for the Division III Outdoor Track
    and Field season.
  2. Institutions are divided according to the NCAA Division III Cross Country regions.
  3. Nominations are submitted via online ballot during the first week of March. Voting is conducted
    online via a ballot compiled by the national office the Monday prior to the Indoor Championships.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their assistant coaches to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed at the NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships.

Regional Athletes of the Year


  1. Selected by an institutional vote of regional USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member coaches
    and awarded to two (2) student-athletes (one (1) track events and one (1) field events) per gender
    per region for the Division III Indoor Track and Field season.
    • Combined events (i.e., pentathlon and heptathlon) are considered field events for the
      purposes of this award.
  2. Institutions are divided according to the NCAA Division III Cross Country regions.
  3. Nominations are submitted via online ballot during the first week of March. Voting is conducted
    online via a ballot compiled by the national office the Monday prior to the Indoor Championships.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed at the NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships.


Awarded to the top five (5) performers in each men’s and women’s track and field event and the members of the top three (3) relay teams in each NCAA Division III region from the season-ending descending order list of performances. The regions used for this award match those used during the cross country season.


  1. Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good
    standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.
  2. Non-eligible student-athletes in the top five (5) or top three (3) relay teams who do not receive
    awards do not displace other student-athletes.

Award Distribution
Student-athletes are recognized via the USTFCCCA website.

National Head Coaches of the Year


  1. Selected by an online institutional vote of USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member coaches
    on the Monday following the Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships.
  2. Awarded to one (1) head coach per gender for the Division III Indoor Track and Field season.
  3. Nominees are the Division III Indoor Track and Field Regional Head Coaches of the Year, the coaches of the top four finishing men’s and women’s teams, and a write-in.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their head coaches to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed by the USTFCCCA National Office.

National Assistant Coaches of the Year


  1. Selected by an online institutional vote of USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member coaches
    on the Monday following the Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships.
  2. Awarded to one (1) assistant coach per gender for the Division III Indoor Track and Field season.
  3. Nominees are the Division III Indoor Track and Field Regional Assistant Coaches of the Year, plus
    a write-in.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their assistant coaches to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed by the USTFCCCA National Office.

National Athletes of the Year


  1. Selected by an institutional online vote of USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member coaches
    on the Monday following the Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships.
  2. Awarded to two (2) student-athletes (one (1) track events and one (1) field events) per gender for
    the Division III Indoor Track and Field season.
    • Combined events (i.e., pentathlon and heptathlon) are considered field events for the
      purposes of this award.
  3. Nominees are the Division III Indoor Track and Field Regional Athletes of the Year, plus a write-in.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed by the USTFCCCA National Office.

Outstanding Performers of the Meet

Awarded to two (2) student-athletes (one (1) track events and one (1) field events) per gender who
compile the highest score at the Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships based on the
established USTFCCCA Division III point system:

  1. Under this point system, the total number of points a student-athlete earns is a sum of the
    following: number of points scored in meet, set meet record (5 additional points), set Division III
    season’s best (3 additional points), set facility record (1 additional point).
  2. Relay points will be divided out by four (4) and the individual must be on the record-setting relay.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are mailed to the student-athlete’s institution by April 1 of that spring.



First-Team All-America is awarded to the top eight (8) finishers in each men’s and women’s event at the NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships.

Second Team All-America is awarded to finishers 9-16 in each individual men’s and women’s event and finishers 9-10 in each men’s and women’s relay events at the NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships.


  1. Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good
    standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.
  2. Non-eligible student-athletes in the top sixteen (16) who do not receive awards do not displace other finishers.

Award Distribution
Medals are distributed on site during the National Championships competition in conjunction with the NCAA awards. In addition, two (2) All-American certificates are mailed by Pel Hughes to the student-
athlete’s program. One of these certificates should be given to the qualifying student-athlete.

Scholar Athlete of the Year

Award winners are selected annually as follows:

  1. Awarded to two (2) men’s Division III (one (1) track events and one (1) field events) and two (2)
    women’s Division III (one (1) track events and one (1) field events) indoor track student-athletes
    each year.
    • Combined events (i.e., pentathlon and heptathlon) are considered field events for the
      purposes of this award.
  2. Student-athletes must meet the criteria for the USTFCCCA All Academic Track and Field Individual awards for Division III.
  3. From among the student-athletes who meet the All Academic Individual Track and Field criteria,
    the one (1) men’s student-athlete and the one (1) women’s student-athlete with the highest finish
    in an individual track event and the one (1) men’s student-athlete and the one (1) women’s
    student-athlete with the highest finish in an individual field event at the most recent NCAA
    Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships shall be named the USTFCCCA Track Scholar
    Athletes of the Year and USTFCCCA Field Scholar Athletes of the Year, respectively.
  4. Multiple events performances may be considered only if the student-athlete won more than one
    (1) national championship, in which case a student-athlete with more than one (1) national
    championship at the most recent indoor championships would rank ahead of a student-athlete
    with one (1) national championship. Otherwise, only the student-athlete’s top performance at the
    most recent indoor championships shall be considered.
  5. If more than one (1) student-athlete in a gender and event area is ranked equally after
    consideration of their performances at the most recent NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field
    Championships, GPAs are considered. The student-athlete with the higher GPA shall be named
    the award winner.
  6. If two (2) or more student-athletes are tied after the consideration of both national
    championships performance and GPA, then these student-athletes shall be named co-winners of
    the award.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.

Scholar Teams of the Year

Award winners are selected annually as follows:

  1. Awarded to one (1) men’s Division III and one (1) women’s Division III indoor track and field team
    each year.
  2. Teams must meet the criteria for the USTFCCCA All-Academic Team awards for Division III track
    and field.
  3. From among the teams who meet the All-Academic Team criteria, the men’s team and the
    women’s team with the highest finishes at the most recent NCAA Division III Indoor Track and
    Field Championships receive the designation of USTFCCCA Scholar Team of the Year for Division
    III Indoor Track and Field.
  4. If more than one (1) team in a gender is ranked equally after consideration of their performances
    at the most recent NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships, GPA’s are considered.
    The team with the higher GPA shall be named the award winner.
  5. If two (2) or more teams are tied after the consideration of both national championships
    performance and GPA, then these teams shall be named co-winners of the award.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order to be eligible for this award.

Division III Track & Field Awards – Outdoor

Regional Head Coaches of the Year


  1. Selected by an online institutional vote of regional USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member
    coaches and awarded to one (1) coach per gender per region for the Division III Outdoor Track
    and Field season.
  2. Institutions are divided according to the NCAA Division III Cross Country regions.
  3. Nominations are submitted via an online ballot the Wednesday one week prior to the Outdoor
    Track and Field Championships. Voting is conducted online via a ballot compiled by the national
    office the Friday prior to the Championships.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their head coaches to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed at the NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships.

Regional Assistant Coaches of the Year


  1. Selected by an institutional vote of regional USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member coaches
    and awarded to one (1) assistant coach per gender per region for the Division III Outdoor Track
    and Field season.
  2. Institutions are divided according to the NCAA Division III Cross Country regions.
  3. Nominations are submitted via an online ballot the Wednesday one week prior to the Outdoor
    Track and Field Championships. Voting is conducted online via a ballot compiled by the national
    office the Friday prior to the Championships.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their assistant coaches to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed at the NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships.

Regional Athletes of the Year


  1. Selected by a vote of regional USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member coaches and awarded
    to two (2) student-athletes (one (1) track events and one (1) field events) per gender per region
    for the Division III Outdoor Track and Field season.
    • Combined events (i.e., heptathlon and decathlon) are considered field events for the
      purposes of this award.
  2. Institutions are divided according to the NCAA Division III Cross Country regions.
  3. Nominations are submitted via an online ballot the Wednesday one week prior to the Outdoor
    Track and Field Championships. Voting is conducted online via a ballot compiled by the national
    office the Friday prior to the Championships.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed at the awards banquet at the NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and Field


Awarded to the top five (5) performers in each men’s and women’s track and field event and the members of the top three (3) relay teams in each NCAA Division III region from the season-ending descending order list of performances. The regions used for this award match those used during the cross country season.


  1. Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good
    standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.
  2. Non-eligible student-athletes in the top five (5) or top three (3) relay teams who do not receive
    awards do not displace other student-athletes.

Award Distribution
Student-athletes are recognized via the USTFCCCA website.

National Head Coaches of the Year


  1. Selected by an online institutional vote of USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member coaches
    on the Monday following the Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships.
  2. Awarded to one (1) coach per gender for the Division III Outdoor Track and Field season.
  3. Nominees are the Division III Outdoor Track and Field Regional Coaches of the Year, the coaches
    of the top four finishing men’s and women’s teams, and a write-in.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their head coaches to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed by the USTFCCCA National Office.

National Assistant Coaches of the Year


  1. Selected by an online institutional vote of USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member coaches
    on the Monday following the Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships.
  2. Awarded to one (1) assistant coach per gender for the Division III Outdoor Track and Field season.
  3. Nominees are the Division III Outdoor Track and Field Regional Assistant Coaches of the Year, plus
    a write-in.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their assistant coaches to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed by the USTFCCCA National Office.

National Athletes of the Year


  1. Selected by an online vote of USTFCCCA Division III Track and Field member coaches on the
    Monday following the Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships.
  2. Awarded to two (2) student-athletes (one (1) track events and one (1) field events) per gender for
    the Division III Outdoor Track and Field season.
    a. Combined events (i.e., heptathlon and decathlon) are considered field events for the
    purposes of this award.
  3. Nominees are the Division III Outdoor Track and Field Regional Athletes of the Year, plus any
    athlete(s) who scores 15 or more points at the national championships in an event area (track events OR field events), please any athlete(s) who breaks a Division III record at any point during the current outdoor season, plus a write-in.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are distributed by the USTFCCCA National Office.

Outstanding Performers of the Meet

Awarded to two (2) student-athletes (one (1) track events and one (1) field events) per gender who
compile the highest score at the Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships based on the
established USTFCCCA Division III point system:

  1. Under this point system, the total number of points a student-athlete earns is a sum of the
    following: number of points scored in meet, set meet record (5 additional points), set Division III
    season’s best (3 additional points), set facility record (1 additional point).
  2. Relay points will be divided out by four (4) and the individual must be on the record-setting relay.
  3. Point distribution will also follow guidelines according to NCAA definition of legal mark for wind

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Awards are mailed to the student-athlete’s institution by June 15 of the same year.


First-Team All-America is awarded to the top eight (8) finishers in each men’s and women’s event at the NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships.

Second Team All-America is awarded to finishers 9-16 in each individual men’s and women’s event and finishers 9-12 in each men’s and women’s relay events at the NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships.


  1. Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good
    standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.
  2. Non-eligible student-athletes in the top sixteen (16) who do not receive awards do not displace other

Award Distribution
Medals are distributed on site during the National Championships competition in conjunction with the NCAA awards. In addition, two (2) All-American certificates are mailed by Pel Hughes to the student-
athlete’s program. One of these certificates should be given to the qualifying student-athlete.

Scholar Athletes of the Year

Award winners are selected annually as follows:

  1. Awarded to two (2) men’s Division III (one (1) track events and one (1) field events) and two (2)
    women’s Division III (one (1) track events and one (1) field events) outdoor track student-athletes
    each year.
    • Combined events (i.e., heptathlon and decathlon) are considered field events for the
      purposes of this award.
  2. Student-athletes must meet the criteria for the USTFCCCA All Academic Track and Field Individual
    awards for Division III.
  3. From among the student-athletes who meet the All Academic Individual Track and Field criteria,
    the one (1) men’s student-athlete and the one (1) women’s student-athlete with the highest finish
    in an individual track event and the one (1) men’s student-athlete and the one (1) women’s
    student-athlete with the highest finish in an individual field event at the most recent NCAA
    Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships shall be named the USTFCCCA Outdoor Track
    Scholar Athletes of the Year and USTFCCCA Outdoor Field Scholar Athletes of the Year,
  4. Multiple events performances may be considered only if the student-athlete won more than one
    (1) national championship, in which case a student-athlete with more than one (1) national
    championship at the most recent outdoor championships would rank ahead of a student-athlete
    with one (1) national championship. Otherwise, only the student-athlete’s top performance at the
    most recent outdoor championships shall be considered.
  5. If more than one (1) student-athlete in a gender and event area is ranked equally after
    consideration of their performances at the most recent NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and Field
    Championships, GPAs are considered. The student-athlete with the higher GPA shall be named
    the award winner.
  6. If two (2) or more student-athletes are tied after the consideration of both national
    championships performance and GPA, then these student-athletes shall be named co-winners of
    the award.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.

Scholar Teams of the Year

Award winners are selected annually as follows:

  1. Awarded to one (1) men’s Division III and one (1) women’s Division III outdoor track and field
    team each year.
  2. Teams must meet the criteria for the USTFCCCA All-Academic Team awards for Division III track
    and field.
  3. From among the teams who meet the All-Academic Team criteria, the men’s team and the
    women’s team with the highest finishes at the most recent NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and
    Field Championships receive the designation of USTFCCCA Scholar Team of the Year for Division
    III Outdoor Track and Field.
  4. If more than one (1) team in a gender is ranked equally after consideration of their performances
    at the most recent NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships, GPA’s are
    considered. The team with the higher GPA shall be named the award winner.
  5. If two (2) or more teams are tied after the consideration of both national championships
    performance and GPA, then these teams shall be named co-winners of the award.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order to be eligible for this award.


Track & Field All-Academic Individuals


  1. Awarded to all nominated student-athletes who meet the following criteria:
    • Minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.30 on a 4.0 scale through the most recently
      completed grading period. Institutions utilizing a different GPA scale must convert the GPA to
      a 4.0 scale using the standard conversion method [GPA/Scale x 4.0]. Data must be certifiable
      by the institution’s registrar.
    • Graduate students must take all undergraduate plus graduate coursework into account.
    • Meet one of the following athletic criteria:
      • Must have finished the season among the top 50 individuals as listed on the descending
        order lists on TFRRS. In addition, any athletes not among the top 50, but who participated
        at the Indoor OR Outdoor National Championships, are eligible.
      • Must have competed as a member of one of the top 35 relay teams as listed on the
        descending order list on TFRRS. In addition, any athletes not among the top 35 relay
        teams, but who participated in the relay at the Indoor OR Outdoor National
        Championships, are eligible. Finally, any competing relay team member on an expanded
        descending order list to include 35 institutions (1 relay team per institution) is eligible.
  2. Forms will be available online at the USTFCCCA website and nominations must be submitted to
    the national office before the deadline published by the national office.
  3. All-Academic criteria are not separated into indoor and outdoor seasons.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Two (2) All-Academic certificates are mailed by the national office to each qualifying student-athlete’s
program. One of these certificates should be given to the qualifying student-athlete.

Late Nominations

  1. Late nominations will be accepted until 90 calendar days after the deadline published by the
    USTFCCCA national office for All-Academic nominations.
  2. Late nominations will not be included in the press release announcing All-Academic selections,
    but will be included in official records of All-Academic honorees.
  3. All late nominations are subject to (1) a flat $50 late fee; and (2) a charge of $20 per set of All- Academic certificates printed. Two (2) All-Academic certificates are included in each set.

Track & Field All-Academic Teams


  1. Awarded to all nominated teams who meet the following criteria:
    • Graduate students must take all undergraduate plus graduate coursework into account.
    • Cumulative team GPA of all student-athletes who used a season of eligibility must be at least
      a 3.1 on a 4.0 scale through the most recent semester/quarter, computed by the following
      • Total the cumulative number of semester hours or quarter hours earned for all student-athletes who used a season of eligibility, including the most recent grading period;
      • Total the cumulative number of quality points (GPA multiplied by the number of credit hours) earned by all student-athletes who used a season of eligibility, including the most recent grading period;
      • Divide the cumulative number of quality points earned by the cumulative number of semester or quarter hours earned.
      • Institutions utilizing a different GPA scale than 4.0 then must convert the GPA to a 4.0 scale using the standard conversion method [GPA/Scale x 4.0]. Data must be certifiable by the institution’s registrar.
  2. Forms will be available online at the USTFCCCA website and nominations must be submitted to the national office before the deadline published by the national office.

Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the USTFCCCA in order to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Two (2) All-Academic certificates are mailed by the national office to each qualifying program.

Late Nominations

  1. Late nominations will be accepted until 90 calendar days after the deadline published by the
    USTFCCCA national office for All-Academic nominations.
  2. Late nominations will not be included in the press release announcing All-Academic selections,
    but will be included in official records of All-Academic honorees.
  3. All late nominations are subject to (1) a flat $50 late fee; and (2) a charge of $20 per set of All-
    Academic certificates printed. Two (2) All-Academic certificates are included in each set.

The Bowerman


  1. The Bowerman Advisory Board maintains The Bowerman Women’s Watch List and The Bowerman
    Men’s Watch List throughout the NCAA collegiate track and field seasons, updated from January
    to June. Placement on the Watch List is based on the top performers in NCAA Track and Field.
  2. In early June, the Bowerman Advisory Board selects three (3) Finalists in each gender for The
    Bowerman. Finalists are the top performers in NCAA Track and Field for that year.
  3. From the list of Finalists, The Bowerman Voters vote to determine the men’s and women’s
    winners of The Bowerman.
  4. Finalists are invited to The Bowerman Announcement and Presentation Ceremony.

Programs must be members of a Program Membership Division who are in good standing with the
USTFCCCA in order for their student-athletes to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
The winner of The Bowerman is announced and presented at The Bowerman Ceremony.

Al Carius Program of the Year Award

Award winners are selected annually as follows:

  1. Awarded to one (1) men’s Division III cross country and track and field program each year.
  2. Each qualifying men’s program receives points based on their finish at each of the three national
    championships (first place = one (1) point, second place = two (2) points, etc.).
  3. The men’s program with the fewest total points receives the Al Carius Program of the Year Award.
    • In the case of a tie for the top spot in the Program of the Year final standings, the tie will
      be broken as follows:
      • Compare finishes for each program in each sport. The program that finished
        ahead the most number of times wins the tie-break (e.g., Program A finished
        higher than Program B in Cross Country and Outdoor Track & Field. Program B finished higher than Program A in Indoor Track & Field. Program A wins the tie-break).
      • If programs are still tied, the tie will be broken by the best overall finish in any sport (e.g., Program A finished 2nd in Indoor Track & Field and Program B finished 1st in Cross Country. Program B wins the tie-break). If still tied, the second-best overall finishes are compared. If still tied, the third-best overall finishes are compared.
    • Ties will not be broken for any other place in the final Program of the Year standings.


  1. The men’s program must have competed and compiled a team score at the NCAA Division III Cross
    Country, NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field, and NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and Field
    National Championships in the same academic year.
  2. Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good
    standing with the USTFCCCA in order to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Award is presented by the USTFCCCA national office at the annual Convention.

Deb Vercauteren Program of the Year Award

Award winners are selected annually as follows:

  1. Awarded to one (1) women’s Division III cross country and track and field program each year.
  2. Each qualifying women’s program receives points based on their finish at each of the three
    national championships (first place = one (1) point, second place = two (2) points, etc.).
  3. The women’s program with the fewest total points receives the Deb Vercauteren Program of the
    Year Award.
    • In the case of a tie for the top spot in the Program of the Year final standings, the tie will
      be broken as follows:
      • Compare finishes for each program in each sport. The program that finished
        ahead the most number of times wins the tie-break (e.g., Program A finished
        higher than Program B in Cross Country and Outdoor Track & Field. Program B finished higher than Program A in Indoor Track & Field. Program A wins the tie- break).
      • If programs are still tied, the tie will be broken by the best overall finish in any sport (e.g., Program A finished 2nd in Indoor Track & Field and Program B finished 1st in Cross Country. Program B wins the tie-break). If still tied, the second-best overall finishes are compared. If still tied, the third-best overall finishes are compared.
    • Ties will not be broken for any other place in the final Program of the Year standings.


  1. The women’s program must have competed and compiled a team score at the NCAA Division III
    Cross Country, NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field, and NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and
    Field National Championships in the same academic year.
  2. Programs must be members of a Division III Program Membership Division who are in good
    standing with the USTFCCCA in order to be eligible for this award.

Award Distribution
Award is presented by the USTFCCCA national office at the annual Convention.

Division III Athlete Hall of Fame

Selected one (1) year in advance by the Division III Hall of Fame Committee at the annual general meeting, from a list of nominees submitted by member coaches to the Hall of Fame Committee Chair prior to the annual general meeting. A maximum of four individuals will be inducted each year, with a preference for two men and two women inductees.


  1. All nominees must be nominated by a Division III member of the USTFCCCA via a printable form
    available online at the USTFCCCA website. The deadline is December 5 of each year.
  2. To be nominated, an athlete must meet the following criteria:
    • At least 10 years removed from college competition.
    • Athlete’s institution was NCAA Division III at the time they competed.
  3. Nominees will be evaluated on the following criteria:
    • Athletic achievement within NCAA Division III
    • Athletic achievement beyond NCAA Division III

Award Distribution
Hall of Fame inductees are recognized at the Division III Outdoor Track & Field Championships.