Finals qualification process to increase collegiate opportunities

Finals qualification process to increase collegiate opportunities

In both indoor and outdoor track and field competitions, To update Rule 6, section 2, article 5, to state that:

Rule 6-2
Preliminary Competition and Advancement
ARTICLE 5. In the throwing events and the horizontal jumps, each competitor shall be allowed three trials. In scored competitions with five or fewer teams, not more than one collegiate competitor more than the number of scoring places, including representation from more than one team, shall advance by best mark in the preliminary rounds to the final rounds, provided each has a valid mark in the preliminary rounds. The number of collegiate advancers shall never exceed nine, except that competitors tying for the last advancement position, by mark, shall advance to the final rounds, unless tie-breaking is designated by the games committee before the competition. In all cases, a maximum of three additional non-collegiate competitors may advance to the final rounds if their best mark in the preliminary rounds exceeds the last advancement position, by mark.

One response to “Finals qualification process to increase collegiate opportunities

Shannon Wright

EXCOMM IN FAVOR, Executive Committee voted in favor (voice vote), item moves to 2019 Convention voting ballot

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